Emily updates us on the weekend...

We started off the weekend after a well needed sleep and a tiring first week at camp. Many of the overnight campers for that first week are signed up for two weeks, and so there's a 'mini' camp over the weekend, and on Saturday that meant a trip to 'The Great Escape', a theme park and water park nearby.  We left at 9:30 am with the weekend campers, and once there we split into groups depending on where people wanted to go. One group wanted to go to the water park, one group wanted to go to the milder rollercoasters and rides and another group wanted to do everything. They also included the thrill seekers.  Unsurprisingly, I was in that group. There were around nineteen kids overall not including leaders. We went around the different attractions and rollercoasters for about two hours until 12pm, where we met up outside the theme park and had lunch. Lunch was interesting, to say the least. We had it in the bus, and everything for lunch was brought outside the bus and we lined up in the car park the get the different pieces of food. I got a turkey sandwich which was delicious! 

On Sunday we went to church in the chapel. We joined the locals that attend the church and it was a nice service. The music was played by the band. They played my lighthouse by rend collective at the end which was a nice lively finish to church. After that we got to rest in our cabins a little and after lunch the overnight campers arrived. There was a change in schedule for for some on the NI team so some people moved to overnight camp for day camp and vice versa. The people on overnight camp went to meet the new campers and the day camp people mingled and generally chilled cause day camp doesn’t start until Monday. The rest of the day was spent resting and getting ready for another busy week of camp.

Please pray for continued energy this week, as the heat is even higher and we are more tired this week, after already having had a busy week!  Pray also that we will continue to forge new relationships and that we might be used to see lives changed here.


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